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Turovsky D. Razryv

Turovsky D. Razryv

Author Turovsky D.
Title Razryv
Description Somewhere near the Sea of Okhotsk, on the very edge of Russia, a father and his teenage son suddenly find themselves completely cut off from civilisation and embark on a perilous journey to find help. Who blew up the only communication tower in a small, remote village? And what made the main characters flee from Moscow to this village? The first novel by journalist and editor Daniil Turovsky ("Afisha", "Meduza", "vDud") is a fascinating, frightening and almost fantastic story based, in the author's own words, "on hundreds of real events".
Year 2024
Publisher Meduza
Pages 220
Cover Paperback
ISBN 978-9934-9216-6-7
In Stock
Price: 220.00 kr.