Valzhyna Mort & Ida Börjel: poesiuppläsning och frågestund
”Vartenda dike, varenda kulle är misstänkt.
Välj mig till syster, Antigone.
I detta misstänksamma land
har jag en blank spade till ansikte.”
/Ur: Musik för de döda och återuppståndna/
Interbok is honored to host a poetry reading followed by Q&A with one of the most prominent voices of modern Belarusian poetry, Valzhyna Mort, and Ida Börjel, translator of Mort's work into Swedish.
Languages: Belarusian, English, Swedish.
Valzhyna Mort was born in Minsk in 1981 and moved to the USA in 2005. "Music for the Dead and Resurrected" first came out with FSG in 2020 and was the winner of the International Griffin Poetry Prize and the UNT Rilke Prize. The Belarusian edition is published by Пфляўмбаўм / Pflaŭmbaŭm. Жаночае выдавецтва.
Mort has been honored with fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the American Academy in Rome, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Lannan Foundation, among others.
Mort writes in English and Belarusian.
Ida Börjel
poet and translator. Börjel is one of the editors behind the literary anthologies Ett år i Belarus (One Year in Belarus), (PEN/Atlas 2021), and Under Ukrainas öppna himmel (Under the open sky in Ukraine) (Ariel, 2022).
Börjel’s documentary poetry book Ringa hem (”Call Home”) – intercepted phone calls by Russian soldiers in Ukraine, was published by Ariel in 2022. Her latest poetry book is “Omsorgslabyrinten” (Bonniers, 2023).
“Music for the Dead and Resurrected”/ “Musik för de döda och återuppståndna” was published in Börjel’s translation by Nirstedt/litteratur in 2021.
OBS: Fritt inträde, dock föranmälan krävs till alt. i Interboks sociala medier.